Monday, December 14, 2009

Why smaller states?

What happens when tomorrow, a subsection of Telangana demands a separate state? Where does this end?

The agitation for smaller state stems from the perception that a particular part of a state is being ignored in comparison to other parts. Who is to blame for this "comparitive discrimination? Your answer is as good as mine. If smaller states is indeed the answer to better governance, I demand that Delhi be carved into 7 different states!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Traveller IQ

quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="112"
NAME="TravelerIQ" ALIGN="middle" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="SkinBkg=aHR0cDovL3RpcS50cmF2ZWxwb2QuY29tL2Jpbi9ncmFwaGljcy93aXR3L3BhdGNoX21hcF8yMDB4MTEyLnBuZw==&SkinSize=MjAweDExMg==&IQ=MTEx" >

This Traveler IQ was calculated on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 07:17AM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travel diary's 4,712,285 travelers who've taken the challenge.

Traveller IQ

This Traveler IQ was calculated on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 07:17AM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travel diary's 4,712,285 travelers who've taken the challenge.

Friday, September 25, 2009

This Traveler IQ was calculated on Friday, September 25, 2009 at 06:08PM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travel Blog's 4,573,570 travelers who've taken the challenge.

Friday, May 15, 2009

India should derive on its soft power, says Shashi Tharoor

In his rather well written, if long, piece on India' soft power Shashi Tharoor makes a strong case for India to remain democratically plural, in all senses of the term.

Friday, May 08, 2009

A pretty poor attempt at humour.

The title sets us up. Frankly, it is a let down. But what the heck, eh? :-)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Godhra on the eve of elections

The Supreme Court has finally got down to getting justice for the Gujrat carnage vicims.

On Monday (Apr 27, 2009), it directed the Special Investigation Team (SIT), which is headed by the CBI ex-Director Mr. R K Raghavan, to probe the alleged role of Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and his administration in aiding and abetting the 2002 riots.

This is the first time that Modi, has come under the scanner for one of the worst riots in recent years. Often in the past, accusing fingers have been repeatedly pointed at him, his cabinet colleagues and top state officials for their alleged complicity. Mayaben Kodnani, who was a minister in his cabinet, is already under arrest for the Naroda Patya carnage.

This, at a time, when he is being projected as the BJP’s future prime ministerial candidate. Though it remains to be seen whether he will work it to his advantage or not. The aura that once surrounded him following the pogrom in 2002 may be diminishing, however, there is no denying that he is still a force to reckon with in Gujrat politics.

If the SIT is able to crucially dent the image of Mr. Modi, that will put paid to his wishes to be the PM of India. For all his anti-minority rhetoric, that may be a good thing. But if his development of Gujrat is anything to go by, that seems to be a bad option!

But this way or other, it is absolutely essential that his tacit, covert or overt complicity on the Gujrat carnage needs to be comprehensively investigated. He may either be acquitted or convicted. Which ever way the pendulum swings, Modi will need to open his mouth and speak up for the whole of Gujrat. His silence on the matter is too suspicious for anybody's (least of all the nation's) good.

One doesn't really want to pronounce judgement on Mr. Modi. But if his body language is any barometer, then he is bloody guilty as hell.

Anyway, jai ho!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Whatever for credible governance!

Over the years one has seen that the "party with a difference" gets into the news for all the negative reasons.

Even for Elections 2009, we have the Varun Gandhi hate speech, followed closely by the Rajnath Singh - Arun Jaitley spat. This was preceded by the straining of relations with the BJD.

Today, Maya Kodnani was cancelled her anticipatory bail. Tomorrow Varun Gandhi would court arrest at Pilibhit.

Thank God for leaders like Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Raman Singh, BJP can stand tall. The others are a sheer embarrassment. Even their national leaders are a fractuous lot.

What, however, takes the cake, is their utter unwillingness to take up a positive agenda for governance. Mercifully, this time their slogan at least is positive.

But if they are constantly going to hark back on their Ram Sethus and Ram Janmabhoomis and Article 370s and Uniform Civil Codes, then I seriously fear that they are headed the Congress way.

It will take a much more stronger leader than Sonis Gandhi or Rahul baba to get the Congress back in shape. As is evident from the emerging political arena, the Congress-is are simply unwilling to shake off their inertia and get going. They find it extremely hard to digest the fact that it is no longer a predominant political force and is facing extinction in many of its past bastions.

Their only positive is that they stand for a pluralistic society in a secular framework.

If a viable third front would give a credible alternative, I assume both the Congress and the BJP would be finihshed.

The idea is to accept/elect the lesser of the three evils!

Mayaben's bail rejected

The noose tightens.

Maya Kodnani has had her bail cancelled.

PTI has filed the following report on 27.03.2009

Gujarat minister Maya Kodanani on Friday resigned from the state cabinet after the Gujarat High court cancelled the anticipatory bail granted to her and Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Jaidip Patel in connection with the 2002 Naroda-Patiya riot case.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

STOP Human Rights Abuse in Chinese TIBET

It is time that the absolutely abhorrent treatment of humans in Chinese Tibet is ended.

Let us all raise our voice against this barbaric regime.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Major Gains for Indian Government

Among the many governments that India has had, everybody is well aware which has been the bootlicking government. The present dispensation, though nothing to write home about, is still better in terms of protecting the interests of this country, and putting pressure on Pakistan to get its act in order. A whole lot of talk does not protect anybody's interest. Nor does getting the army upto the border in a show of strength. It must not escape anybody's attention that Pakistan after a very very long time has finally admitted that the terrorists that attacked India were of Pakistani origin. Howsoever much it tries to backtrack after this admission, the truth of the matter is that our government has been able to put the pressure on the Pakistani government to react to the pressure that has been building up.

Without doubt, US and other countries have also been putting pressure on Pakistan. But daresay, they have been putting pressure on Pakistan from early on for getting their work in the region done. It speaks volumes for the present government that their persistence has paid dividends, petty though they are.

It can safely be stated that the noose is inexorably drawing tighter for Pakistan.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Truth shall prevail

The noose is ever so slowly tightening.

Under arrest:
1. DSP K G Erda

On the Run
1. Inspector V S Gohil

Anticipatory Bail
1. Gujarat Education Minister Mayaben Kodnani
2. Former Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Jaideep Patel

It is time that Mr. Modi becomes answerable to a few pertinent questions.

1. Does he believe in the Indian constitution and consequently the judiciary? (Y/N)
2. If NO, does he have the mandated authority to occupy the high office of Gujarat Chief Ministership that he has for so long adorned, and adorned rather fabulously well.
3. If YES, what is his reply to the findings of the Gujarat High Court which has ruled that the Godhra incident, which killed 59, was not an act of terror.

The court on Thursday, Feb 12, 2009, upheld the POTA review committee's findings, which concluded there was no planned conspiracy in Godhra and that the incident was the result of the sudden provocation between passengers and vendors.

The court has categorically stated that it finds "the incident falling short of an act of terror."


Apr 28, 2009


Feb 27, 2011


Apr 22, 2011


Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Maryada Thekedars"

I strongly oppose the morality brigade that is out to keep a check on the moral code of people who live in independent, democratic, republic of India and petition the Government of Karnataka to take the strictest action action against these hooligans.

India has always been a pluralistic state that has welcomed everybody with open arms. The Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, the Zoroastrians, the Parsis, the Baha'is, they all have been welcomed and they have shown their gratitude by seamlessly integrating themselves in the pluralistic fabric of India in the best manner possible.

Of course, it has not been a complete assimilation. However, that has only proved to be a thing of beauty than otherwise.

The government of the day is voted in to pursue and implement political policies that do good to the populace. They have a legal framework and an executive to ensure that the laws that they frame are honoured by the population. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has the right to take law into his own hands and dispense justice as s/he feels fit.

The Mangalore incident is an absolutely abhorrent act that I condemn in the strongest manner possible. I, as a citizen of this country, hereby requests the courts to take suo moto action against these moronic hooligans and not to let them go to jail. Instead they should be asked to work on any socially relevant cause and the proceeds of the same should be disbursed to the ladies who had to go through that horrific incidents.

If the perpetrators of the crime are made to go to jail, it will only add to their sense of pseudo-causeism. Instead they should be made to pay for their misdemeanours in a manner that thrusts into their meagre brains the fact that their conduct was not only foolish but also at a great cost to themselves.

In addition to the litany of charges that can be filed against them, I also propose the following:
1. Complete debarment of holding any public office.
2. Complete and comprehensive withholding / revoking of driving license.
3. 1 year compulsory duty at an old-age home.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Splitting hairs on Slumdog millionaire

Imagine! SM sullying the image of Brand India!! What could be more nonsensical than that!

Are the detractors of the movie trying ot state that the Brand India that we have was created in some obscure cinema set in Mumbai? If it was not created there, how can it be wrecked there?

Though I fully understand that imaging as a "brand enhancer" is a valid concept, it only works when the underlying product is good. Conversely, if India is a soaring country, no amount of bad mouthing (which SM indeed does not) will do it any worse!

And still, if there are people who are going to perceive India through the cinematic eyes of SM, I can only tell them to have a life. They dont mean anything either to me or to Brand India!

As an Indian, I have substantial stake in Brand India. But I also have the wisdom to understand and differentiate between cinematic excellence and economic fundamentals. And I care precisely three hoots for those who cant care about the difference!