Saturday, February 14, 2009

Major Gains for Indian Government

Among the many governments that India has had, everybody is well aware which has been the bootlicking government. The present dispensation, though nothing to write home about, is still better in terms of protecting the interests of this country, and putting pressure on Pakistan to get its act in order. A whole lot of talk does not protect anybody's interest. Nor does getting the army upto the border in a show of strength. It must not escape anybody's attention that Pakistan after a very very long time has finally admitted that the terrorists that attacked India were of Pakistani origin. Howsoever much it tries to backtrack after this admission, the truth of the matter is that our government has been able to put the pressure on the Pakistani government to react to the pressure that has been building up.

Without doubt, US and other countries have also been putting pressure on Pakistan. But daresay, they have been putting pressure on Pakistan from early on for getting their work in the region done. It speaks volumes for the present government that their persistence has paid dividends, petty though they are.

It can safely be stated that the noose is inexorably drawing tighter for Pakistan.

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