I dont understand the concept of having a credit card. To get a credit card, I need to pay something like Rs.750/- (average) annually. In return I get a credit card that allows me to buy goods from the market on credit (ranging from a day to 45 days). If perchance I am unable to pay the due "sufficiently" before the due date, I am slapped with a late fee. (This again ranges from Rs.100/- to Rs.250/-)
Where do I pay the due from? From the money that is there in the bank. Obviously, white money. Cant, of course, pay be cash. So, perchance I had black money, that cant be laundered.
So, to use my own hard earned money, I pay the credit card companies Rs.750/- every year. If that doesn't raise anybody's eyebrows, I can only suspect your intelligence quotient.
In most of our financial transactions, we are extremely prudent of the interest that we have to pay. However, here with credit cards, it is but natural to pay some thing as ghastly as 48% on credit items. Where does your prudent thinking go in such cases??
The sorry state of subscribers who paid only their minimum balance is so widespread that I only need to state it here as a point. Their plight is only too well documented in various media.
Yet, after all this, still the hankering after credit cards can only mean that the Indian mindset is still captivated by the western culture and the absolutely idiotic notion that whatever they do is best. Hoo Boy, when will you guys learn?????
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